Step by step guide on how to Earn more reef tokens staking your $BUSD $DOT and $BNB on Binance launchpool.

5 min readJan 14, 2021

Would you mind if I show you how to earn some reef tokens for free using your stablecoins like $$BUSD, or cryptos such as $DOT and BNB on the Binance launchpool?

In my last article, my first on medium by the way. I promised to show you how to earn reef tokens while staking your cryptos including Binance stablecoin as well. Reef is a project I am excited about offering varieties of options to users while accessing DEFI services.

In this article, I’ll be showing you step by step ways to stake your stablecoins in the Reef launchpool and get some free gems while holding your favorite tokens. The party is not over yet, you’re welcome to join.

Reef is the first Polkadot project to be listed on Binance launchpool and in a bid to deliver its key promises in recent times has had partnerships with projects such as Avalanche, BZX protocol and others adding more investment options to its users accessing DEFI services.

The ongoing staking event on Binance which is expected to last for 30days offers up to 17.52% annualized yield in stake Cryptos which could be BNB, DOT or BUSD.

The flexible staking allows you opt out anytime while earning reef tokens every hour. To get started, ensure to get an account on Binance and read their policies.

Right after setting up your account, below is a step by step guide to farming Reef with either DOT, BNB or BUSD and for the sake of this guide, I’ll be using BUSD (Binance stable coin).

Step 1:

To get started, sign up on Binance and fund your spot wallet with either BNB, BUSD or DOT. In this guide, I’ll be using my BUSD maximizing my opportunity to earn $REEF while avoiding loss when prices of cryptos fluctuates anytime.

It is important to know this is not get rich quick scheme as against the perception of many but rather an opportunity earn more REEF and hold for breakout.

The higher the volume you stake, the more your rewards. Before you get started, ensure to get familiar with the Binance launchpool, how it works as well as the their terms and conditions.

Step 2:

After funding your spot wallet account with your desire amount of crypto (BUSD,DOT or BNB), Next is to locate the Binance launchpool on the open page as pointed to by the arrow on the image.

Once you locate the launchpool, click on it and lets crack on!

Step 3:

On the Binance launchpad, scroll down through the options and locate the REEF pools.

If you are holding, BNB,BUSD or DOT, ensure to locate the appropriate pool of reef that allows you stake such crypto while earning reef tokens.

For the sake of this guide, I used BUSD and therefore located the REEF BUSD pool. Ensure to locate yours either by scrolling up or downward.

Once you locate appropriate pool, click on it to stake your coin.

Ensure to check out if the project is still on as well as the amount stake already and expected APY.

Step 4:

Here, you get to see important information about the pool such as the duration of the pool, Report about REEF, Detailed rules, REEF whitepaper, Total BUSD pools telling about how much is currently staked in the pool by different users, daily reward pools and annual percentage yield.

Currently the reward pool offers An annual percentage yield of 6.11% percent with rewards on staked tokens claimable every hour and allows you opt out anytime even before the end of the farming duration.

Next is to stake your crypto (BUSD,DOT or BNB) which is expected to be in your spot wallet by now.

Step 5:

To add your crypto which is shown in the balance to the pool, click the stake button to enter the amount you will like farm with.

Step 6:

After checking through the terms and conditions, duration, and expected APY and after clicking on the stake button as in the preceding image, here you are expected to add the preferred amount of crypto showing in your balance you want to stake with and to use your total balance, simply click on max and click the stake button below.

Ensure to check all previously highlighted important details before clicking on stake.

Immediately you click on stake, your specified amount will be added to the pool and a successful message displayed on your screen.

Congratulations, you just stake your BUSD/BND/DOT and eligible to start receiving REEF tokens now. Remember you can opt-out and claim every hour.

Check below to see how to claim your rewards and opt out anytime.

Step 7:

Your staked token is displayed here anytime you visit the launchpool again. To claim your rewards anytime after staking or to opt-out of the pool. Click on the redeem button just below the stake button on the page.

Step 8:

Your current earned Reef tokens is displayed below the balance. To redeem your rewards or opt out of the pool, input the amount of BUSD/DOT/BNB you will like to unstake or simply click on max to unstake all your balance.

After specifying the desired amount, click on the Redeem button below. After clicking on the button, you will receive a message telling you action successful and your BUSD/DOT/BNB will instantly reflect in your Binance spot wallet as well as your Reef tokens.

Yeah! Thanks for following, I’m sure you gained value for your time. Remember this is not a get rich scheme and rewards depends solely on invested capital. Remember to get your self familiar with the Binance app and associated risk for using it before staking as I won’t be responsible for the consequences of your actions. Smiles, all I am saying it to ensure to do your own research as well.

For more information about Reef, or to join our team, please contact us at: or follow on Twitter Reef

Thanks for reading!




I create simple and easy to understand contents on Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and Marketing helping Africans learn about digital opportunities and leverage.